Problem Posing Education Method : Sebuah Upaya Memperbaiki Kualitas Pendidikan Indonesia Melalui Metode Nalar Kritis oleh Tedy Firdaus dkk

Pendidikan, merupakan salah satu aspek Penting dalam upaya perubahan secara Fundamental (dasar) terhadap permasalahan-permasalahan bangsa seperti kemiskinan, penggangguran, ketimpangan, perilaku intoleran Dsb. Walaupun tidak bisa dipungkiri bahwa upaya perubahan dan pengembangan dalam bidang Pendidikan tidak secepat perubahan dalam bidang teknologi yang dalam beberapa tahun saja sudah sedemikian berkembang pesat. Latar belakang penulisan ini karena Indonesia adalah negara yang memiliki kualitas pendidikan rendah. Ini terjadi karena banyaknya masalah yang belum diperbaiki oleh pemerintah Indonesia. Meskipun pemerintah telah meluncurkan berbagai Program Pendidikan, hingga kini jumlah masalah di Indonesia masih terjadi, misalnya, tidak ada partisipasi dalam kualitas pendidikan, kurangnya kesadaran guru dan siswa. Sejumlah besar Program Pendidikan Indonesia yang dilaksanakan belum mampu mengatasi masalah yang terjadi. Di sini upaya pemerintah dan juga kebutuhan masyarakat harus sesuai dengan masalah yang ada. Melalui Problem Posing Education, yaitu Metode pembelajaran pada penanaman nilai nilai Berfikir kritis serta proses pembelajan Inside-Out atau pola mengeluarkan potensi/bakat peserta didik dari dalam diri. Hingga pada akhirnya, pendidikan bukan hanya menjadi cara untuk Indonesia lebih maju dari segi pembangunan manusianya saja. Lebih dari itu, pendidikan seperti proses belajar-mengajar menjadi way of life yang selalu dijaga masyarakat Indonesia dalam membangun negara menuju manusia Indonesia Unggul.

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  2. Paper Seminar Nasional
  3. Dokumentasi Tedy Firdaus
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Media Teknologi sebagai Pemerataan dan Acuan Kemajuan Pendidikan Society 5.0 oleh Tedi Baharsyah

In Article 31 paragraph 1 of the 1945 Constitution, all citizens have the right to education, which means that all aspects of community life are entitled to adequate education. Indonesia’s PISA (Program for International Students Assessment) data is in the literacy, mathematics and science level still below the average OECD (The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development) country every 3 years. However, even distribution of education benefits only a portion of the upper class community. Such as the existence of tutoring institutions that have high enough rates that can only be enjoyed by people who have an economy above average. This resulted in a gap in education enjoyed only by the upper classes in Indonesia. The progress of time makes it easier for humans to overcome life problems. By utilizing the media and technology of ideas create online application tutoring applications to find study guides such as Gojek. It means that students play a role or as volunteers because they are only able to balance the progress of media and technology. Maybe so far there has been a teacher’s room as an online tutoring, but this study guidance is the problem of learning the absence of face-to-face,or society value 5.0.

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  2. Paper Seminar Nasional
  3. Dokumentasi Tedi Baharsyah
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Meningkatkan Kualitas Guru Sekolah Dasar di Indonesia Secara Berkelanjutan Menuju Society 5.0 oleh Asyharina Maghfiroh dkk

This article discusses the Industry 4.0 and Society 5.0 which considerably advances every sector in our lives unexceptionally education. The new concept of education adopted by the government by emphasizing the minimum competency assessment, literacy, and numerical competence becomes the government’s main focus to achieve Indonesia’s superior education goal. Nonetheless, in reality, there’s a big gap regarding the student’s competence in understanding the advancement of technology which is more eminent compared to the teachers’. Consequently, it becomes a crucial issue related to the teacher’s quality in Indonesia besides the lack of teacher’s readiness and understanding of the lesson considering that the good quality of education can only be answered with the good quality of the teacher itself. Eventually, the teachers are still in need of sustainable workshop and mentoring which will come to the final aim to increase the teacher’s quality in Indonesia and quality of educational resources.

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Upaya Rekonstruksi Sekularisasi pada Indonesia untuk Menghadapi 100 Tahun Indonesia Merdeka oleh Abdul Majid Utama dkk

Starting from the 19th century, the word secularization emerged, the term underwent a long conceptual development, so that it has various meanings and meanings. While in Indonesia the word secularization or secularism is a sensitive thing to talk about. In Indonesia, the issue of secularization was first raised by Nurcholish Majid in 1970 and reaped the pros and cons of the present. Secularism has a meaning as an ideology or understanding that separates religious and state affairs. While secularization is defined as an effort to separate or escape from the authority of religious institutions in various aspects. Therefore a process is needed, called secularisation. Indonesia is a pluralistic country, it has a Muslim majority population although other religions grow and develop dynamically in Indonesia. So it is very difficult to make an effort or secularization movement in Indonesia. In various perspectives many compare secularisation with atheism, while this is very different, so we write an idea to make secularization as a movement to change perspective in Indonesia itself without disturbing the basic ideology of this nation, namely Pancasila. Because in fact, various countries that interfered with religious affairs with the state always clashed with each other’s religious beliefs.

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CBA (Character Building for Anti Corruption) : Aplikasi Android untuk Menumbuhkan Nilai Integritas pada Anak oleh Fitria Riani Amfi dkk

Corruption is one of the problems that has taken root in all fields of life in Indonesia. Evidently from 2004-2018, 91 regional heads in Indonesia were entangled in corruption cases, with details of 54 Regents, 2 Deputy Regents, 21 Mayors, 1 Deputy Mayor and 13 Governors. Of course this will not happen, if regional leaders have high integrity values. Integrity value is the value that someone has to consistently have beliefs, attitudes and good deeds. Therefore, the value of integrity is important for every individual to have. The inculcation of the value of integrity can begin to be instilled in early childhood, both in families and in schools through character education programs. This writing method uses the literature study method from research that has been done by experts. In this paper we offer CBA (Character Building for Anti Corruption) as an android application-based character education media, which includes the inculcation of values of integrity. The hope, this application is able to attract antusis, motivate, and facilitate children in learning character education. So that children are embedded in high values of integrity and make children anti-corruption individuals.

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  2. Paper Seminar Naisonal
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Role Playing : Implementasi Pendidikan Karakter pada Anak Usia Dini Sebagai Upaya Menuju Pendidikan Berkemajuan oleh Nadia Afina Zulfa dkk

Discussions related to character education will certainly not stop being discussed, because they contain elements of good culture and are an important factor for individuals to have. Character education is one of the efforts to produce individuals or students who have academic and moral intelligence. The existence of character education is still needed to overcome various low moral values that continue to increase. The application of character education is very necessary. Educational institutions, both formal and non-formal, strive to continue to familiarize children with good character. The application of character education from an early age is the right step, because early age is a good golden period to lay down the principles of character which will be useful for the future. For this reason, appropriate education methods are needed for early childhood, one of them is the role playing method. Role playing is one of social skills that is performed as if the subject is in a situation of daily social life. Therefore, this article reveals what kind of role playing implementation is involved in elementary school students.

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Membangun Kejujuran Siswa Sekolah Dasar Melalui Pengintegrasian Local Wisdom di Daerah NTB oleh Eko Budiono dkk

Honest is one of the characters that can form individuals with superior personality and integrity. But now the value of honesty is starting to fade because of the rapid development of the times. Therefore, it is necessary to implant character values early on in elementary school. Cultivation of honesty can be done through various aspects, one of them is by utilizing local wisdom in Indonesia, especially the West Nusa Tenggara region . Local wisdom contained in the area contains a lot of honesty character values, i.e. the writer uses the Overseas game as the medium. The purpose of this research is to integrate local wisdomfound in West Nusa Tenggara in building honesty towards elementary school students through the game. Submission of honesty characters in this game through poetry accompanied by a musical instrument gantao. This research method uses literature study methods both journals and relevant books. With the integration of local wisdom that has many traditional values that are thick with meaning, it is expected to be able to become a media to grow character values in the midst of this disruption. In addition, with this media as well as the preservation of Indonesian culture so that it does not fade in order to remain felt by future generations.

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Pentingnya Pendidikan Karakter di Era Digital untuk Masa Depan oleh M. Feizal Firdaus dkk

Pendidikan pada dasarnya adalah upaya untuk meningkatkan kemampuan sumber daya manusia supaya memiliki karakter dan dapat hidup mandiri dengan lebih baik. Pendidikan karakter adalah suatu proses penerapan nilai-nilai moral maupun agama pada peserta didik melalui ilmu pengetahuan, penerapan nilai-nilai tersebut baik terhadap diri sendiri, sesama teman, terhadap pendidik dan lingkungan sekitar maupun Tuhan Yang Maha Esa. Tuntutan
pendidikan untuk menghasilkan peserta didik yang berkualitas terus didengungkan agar memiliki kesadaran kepada seluruh masyarakat bahwa pendidikan itu penting di era digital ini. Pada dasarnya, semua problematika yang yang terjadi pada jenjang pendidikan salah satunya adalah dalam segi Religius, Nasionalis, Gotong Royong, Integritas dan Mandiri pada peserta didik. Pada generasi milenial ini Dunia tengah telah memasuki revolusi digital atau industrialisasi keempat. Penggunaan Internet of Things (IoT), big data, cloud database, blockchain, dan lain-lain akan mengubah pola kehidupan manusia baik dari anak kecil maupun kaum muda. Pada era digital ini pemanfaatan teknologi secara baik menjadikan kunci utama dalam nilai karakter peserta didik. Dan yang menjadi turunya moral,ilmu pengetahuan yang kurang, bahkan karakter pada peserta didik adalah karena penyimpangan
penggunaan teknologi dan internet. Yang pada akhirnya pengawasan oleh guru maupun orang tua yang menjadi peran utama dalam mendidik karakter anak di indonesia. Bukan lagi tentang pemberian pelajaran kepada peserta didik,akan tetapi pengawasan juga perlu diperhatikan pada anak di era digital ini.

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Improving 4C Skills to Strengthen The Quality of Education in Indonesian oleh M. Yusuf Prayudha dkk

In this era of globalization, the development of science and technology is getting faster and more sophisticated. The world is currently entering the era of the industrial revolution 4.0, an era that emphasizes artificial intelligence, robotics, big data, digital economy and others. Students are actively required to develop themselves in accordance with the changes and developments of the times and phenomena that occur lately. To develop themselves, students need support that can help self-development such as quality educators, adequate technology and supporting facilities
and infrastructure. However, the problem is the low quality of education. This is because many students do not yet know the importance of education, especially character education. The era that continues to grow, also requires improving the quality of school institutions must be done and is considered mandatory for all institutions to be able to survive and continue to grow. Because learning in the 21st century reflects the four learning objectives (4C) that refer to the part of learning to do namely creative, critical thinking, collaboration and communication is needed to
improve the quality of Indonesia’s low education.

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Hubungan Kebiasaan Merokok Terhadap Penyakit Tidak Menular oleh Khairunniza dkk

World Health Organization (WHO) memprediksi bahwa pada tahun 2020 penyakit tidak menular akan menjadi penyebab 73% kematian di dunia. Tingginya insiden penyakit tidak menular disebabkan beberapa faktor salah satunya adalah peningkatan jumlah perokok pemula pada remaja. Jumlah perokok di Indonesia dilaporkan dalam data The Tobacco Atlas 3rd Edition pada tahun 2009 menyebutkan bahwa perokok Indonesia menduduki peringkat
pertama di ASEAN, dengan persentase 46,16%. Selanjutnya data Riskesdas tahun 2018 oleh Kemenkes RI menunjukkan prevalensi merokok pada anak yang berusia 10 hingga 18 tahun mencapai 9,1%. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan kebiasaan merokok terhadap penyakit tidak menular. Metode penelitian menggunakan studi cross sectional dengan pendekatan kuantitatif dan teknik pengumpulan data yakni studi literatur. Hasil penelitian menyatakan bahwa terdapat hubungan signifikan antara kebiasaan merokok terhadap penyakit tidak menular seperti hipertensi, stress, jantung koroner, PPOK, dan kanker paru dengan semua nilai p nya kurang dari 0,05. Sehingga kebiasaan merokok dapat menjadi faktor risiko penyakit tidak menular.

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