Role Playing : Implementasi Pendidikan Karakter pada Anak Usia Dini Sebagai Upaya Menuju Pendidikan Berkemajuan oleh Nadia Afina Zulfa dkk

Discussions related to character education will certainly not stop being discussed, because they contain elements of good culture and are an important factor for individuals to have. Character education is one of the efforts to produce individuals or students who have academic and moral intelligence. The existence of character education is still needed to overcome various low moral values that continue to increase. The application of character education is very necessary. Educational institutions, both formal and non-formal, strive to continue to familiarize children with good character. The application of character education from an early age is the right step, because early age is a good golden period to lay down the principles of character which will be useful for the future. For this reason, appropriate education methods are needed for early childhood, one of them is the role playing method. Role playing is one of social skills that is performed as if the subject is in a situation of daily social life. Therefore, this article reveals what kind of role playing implementation is involved in elementary school students.

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