Upaya Rekonstruksi Sekularisasi pada Indonesia untuk Menghadapi 100 Tahun Indonesia Merdeka oleh Abdul Majid Utama dkk

Starting from the 19th century, the word secularization emerged, the term underwent a long conceptual development, so that it has various meanings and meanings. While in Indonesia the word secularization or secularism is a sensitive thing to talk about. In Indonesia, the issue of secularization was first raised by Nurcholish Majid in 1970 and reaped the pros and cons of the present. Secularism has a meaning as an ideology or understanding that separates religious and state affairs. While secularization is defined as an effort to separate or escape from the authority of religious institutions in various aspects. Therefore a process is needed, called secularisation. Indonesia is a pluralistic country, it has a Muslim majority population although other religions grow and develop dynamically in Indonesia. So it is very difficult to make an effort or secularization movement in Indonesia. In various perspectives many compare secularisation with atheism, while this is very different, so we write an idea to make secularization as a movement to change perspective in Indonesia itself without disturbing the basic ideology of this nation, namely Pancasila. Because in fact, various countries that interfered with religious affairs with the state always clashed with each other’s religious beliefs.

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