Improving 4C Skills to Strengthen The Quality of Education in Indonesian oleh M. Yusuf Prayudha dkk

In this era of globalization, the development of science and technology is getting faster and more sophisticated. The world is currently entering the era of the industrial revolution 4.0, an era that emphasizes artificial intelligence, robotics, big data, digital economy and others. Students are actively required to develop themselves in accordance with the changes and developments of the times and phenomena that occur lately. To develop themselves, students need support that can help self-development such as quality educators, adequate technology and supporting facilities
and infrastructure. However, the problem is the low quality of education. This is because many students do not yet know the importance of education, especially character education. The era that continues to grow, also requires improving the quality of school institutions must be done and is considered mandatory for all institutions to be able to survive and continue to grow. Because learning in the 21st century reflects the four learning objectives (4C) that refer to the part of learning to do namely creative, critical thinking, collaboration and communication is needed to
improve the quality of Indonesia’s low education.

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