The 2nd UAD TEFL
International Conference
New paradigms in Teaching English as a Foreign Language
October 13 – 14, 2012
University of Ahmad Dahlan
Yogyakarta Indonesia
Teaching English as a foreign language has become an endless topic to discuss in Indonesia. English educators, teachers, and experts keep seeking and trying to find new ideas, approaches, methods, strategies, teaching media, and to conduct researches improving the quality of teaching English as a foreign language.
English Education Department of Ahmad Dahlan University (UAD) also concerns much about the new paradigms in teaching English as a foreign language. The new paradigms must be accommodated in a forum where educators, teachers, and experts can meet and share new ideas, experiences, research findings, etc. Accordingly, the 2nd UAD TEFL International Conference will be held with the theme New Paradigms in Teaching English as a Foreign Language. The new ideas, approaches, methods, strategies, teaching media, language research findings, etc. can hopefully be implemented in the classroom.
Aims of the 2nd UAD TEFL International Conference:
- To explore and share new ideas, approaches, methods, strategies, and media in teaching English as a foreign language.
- To share research findings related to the English teaching.
Theme and Topics
The theme of the seminar is New Paradigm in Teaching English as a foreign Language. The topic areas may include new research findings, ideas, approaches, methods, or strategies in :
- Teaching listening, speaking, reading, writing, and translation
- Teaching grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation and other language elements
- The use of media
- Assessment in English teaching
- Teaching English Literature
- Linguistics-based English teaching
- Error analysis
- Discourse analysis
- Pragmatics
- Other related topics
Invited Speakers
- Dr. Dat Bao (Monash University, Australia)
- Prof. Abdul Rashid Mohamed, Ph.D. (USM, Universiti Sains Malaysia)
- Expert from Regional English Language Office (United States of America)
- Prof.Dr. Bustami Subhan, M.S. (Ahmad Dahlan University, Indonesia)
- Prof. Irene A. Largo ( University of Nueva Caceres, Philipina)
- Ilia Leikin (Monash University, Australia)
Targeted Presenter and Audience
This conference is directed toward local and international lecturers, teachers, researchers, and students.
An abstract between 250 to 300 words should be sent to uadtefl@gmail.com as adoc attachment and a separate page bearing the presenter’s name, degree, institution affiliation, office/mobile phone, and address should accompany the paper. Complete papers of approximately 5000 words (7-12 pages, font size 11, Times New Roman, single spaced, abstract with key words, and references; top and left margin 1.2 inch, bottom and right margin 1 inch) will be published in a proceeding and be available to conference participants with additional charges. Paper presentation will be 30 minutes including the discussion. For presentation a laptop and an LCD viewer will be provided in each conference room and presenters are encouraged to prepare their presentation using Power Point.
Full papers submitted before September 18 will be published into proceeding and charged IDR 150.000,-
Important Dates
- July 15 – 31 August : Abstract Submission
- September 3 : Announcement of abstract acceptance
- September 4 – 17 : Full paper submission
- October 13 – 14 : Conference
Up to Sept 15
After Sept 15
Public Participants
IDR 350.000,-
IDR 450.000,-
School Teachers
IDR 250.000,-
IDR 350.000,-
Overseas Participants
US $ 150
US $ 150
Registration payment should be directly transferred to: Bank BNI.
Branch : UGM Yogya
Account number: 8181779001
Account holder name: Fauzia
For overseas participants: SWIFT CODE BNINIDJAXXX
Contact persons
1. R. Muh. Ali, S.S. M.Pd. (+628156809646)
2. Fauzia, S.Pd., M.A. (+628175472117)
3. Sucipto, M.Pd. (+6281548779377)
University of Ahmad Dahlan, Campus 2
4th floor, Jln. Pramuka 42, Sidikan Yogyakarta, Indonesia
- Seminar Kit
- Conference Booklet
- Lunch
- Coffee Break
- Certificate
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