Pemanfaatan Konten Youtube dalam Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh

Oleh Herlina Purwaningsih, Salis Nurul Hidayah dan Ikmi Nur Oktavianti


In the midst of the Covid 19 pandemic, learning activities are carried out online or learning from home. This is a challenge in itself for a teacher and students. Teachers must be able to sort and select material that can attract students’ learning interest. Rapid technological advances make it easier for teachers to choose various learning media on various platforms. Examples of platforms that are often used in the learning process are zoom, google meet, google classroom, youtube and others. In this article, researchers will discuss the use of YouTube in the learning process. The choice of YouTube as the object of writing this article is because there are many subject matter that can be found on YouTube and can be accessed easily in a flexible time. The purpose of writing this article is to determine the effect of using YouTube content as a learning medium on interest in learning English. This article is a literature study article. The method used is descriptive qualitative. The results of this study indicate the use of YouTube content as a medium of pursuit has a positive and significant effect on interest in learning English.

Key Words: Covid 19, Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh, Media Pembelajaran, Youtube