Metode Afektif Dalam Pembelajaran Akidah Akhlak di SMK

Oleh Muhammad Ilham Sidiq, Nungki Nariska dan Sutipyo R


The cultivation of moral values ​​with the affective method involves all potential learners in cognitive learning in the affective domain in the form of mental and positive emotions, as well as the meaning of life based on Islamic values. Affective learning directs students actively to a comfortable and fun learning world, and inspires students’ souls sincerely in learning. Affective learning of moral aqidah can improve student achievement through the formation of attitudes, morals or character of a Muslim which will later foster interest in learning or positive emotions towards Islamic values ​​as a whole. Based on the results of this study, it is recommended to all madrasah or school managers, educators, and anyone who is involved in the world of education to optimize affective learning of moral aqidah so that students are able to achieve maximum learning goals and produce a superior generation. One of them can be realized in improving the morals and character of a true Muslim in real life.

Key Words: Akhlak, Akidah, Character, Affective Learning, Learners.