
Hubungan Antara Perceived Organizational Support Dengan Work Engagement Pada Karyawan Generasi Millenial di Metro TV Jakarta

Oleh Nurhadi Subur dan Erita Yuliasesti 


This study aims to determine the relationship between Perceived Organizational Support to Work Engagement in millenial employee Metro TV Jakarta. Subjects numbered 50 people selected by purposive sampling with sample characteristics of employees who have worked more than one year and the age range of 23-38 years. he method used in this research is quantitative research methods. The collection of data taken using scale Perceived Organizational Support and Work Engagement scale with Likert scale models. Data analysis technique used is the product moment correlation analysis technique with the help of a computer program SPSS 16.0 for Windows.  correlation analysis product momentyield (r) of 0,532 with (p) signfikansi level of 0.000 (p <0.01), which means there is a significant relationship between Perceived Organizational Support to Work Engagement in millenial employee Metro TV Jakarta. means the positive Perceived Organizational Support the higher the Work Engagement, conversely the negative Perceived Organizational Support the lower the Work Engagement. Based on the results of this study concluded that there circuitedan between Perceived Organizational Support to Work Engagement. Perceived Organizational Support The more positive the higher the Work Engagement, conversely the negative Perceived Organizational Support the lower the Work Engagement.

Key Words: Perceived Organizational Support, Work Engagement

Hubungan Antara Motivasi Kerja dan Kepuasan Gaji Dengan Komitmen Organisasi Karyawan Dipt. Telekomunikasi Indonesia Witel Yogyakarta (Telkom)

Oleh Iasha Zihni Zakiah dan Erita Yuliasesti 


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji hubungan antara motivasi kerja dan kepuasan gaji dengan komitmen organisasi pada karyawan. Variabel tergantung penelitian ini adalah komitmen organisasi sedangkan variabel bebas adalah Motivasi kerja dan Kepuasan gaji. Alat ukur yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah skala komitmen organisasi, motivasi kerja dan kepuasan gaji. Data yang diperoleh dalam penelitian ini dianalisis menggunakan teknik analisis regresi berganda dengan bantuan program komputer SPSS Versi 16.0 for windows. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ada hubungan yang sangat signifikan antara motivasi kerja dan kepuasan gaji dengan komitmen organisasi, dengan koefisien korelasi (R) yaitu 0,578 dengan taraf signifikansi (p) sebesar 0,000 (p<0,01), dan sumbangan efektif sebesar 57,8%. Ada hubungan positif yang sangat signifikan antara motivasi kerja dengan komitmen organisasi, hal ini ditunjukkan dengan nilai (r) sebesar 0,529 dengan taraf signifikansi p=0,000. Ada hubungan yang positif yang signifikan antara kepuasan gaji dengan komitmen organisasi, hal ini ditunjukkan dengn nilai (r) sebesar 0,348 dengan taraf signifikansi 0,014.Berdasarkan hasil analisis penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang sangat signifikan antara motivasi kerja dan kepuasan gaji dengan komitmen organisasi. Ada hubungan positif yang sangat signifikan antara motivasi kerja dengan komitmen organisasi, serta ada hubungan positif yang signifikan antara kepuasan gaji dengan komitmen organisasi.

Kata kunci: motivasi kerja, kepuasan gaji, komitmen organisasi

Pengembangan Pop-Up Body Book Berbasis Religius Dalam Pembelajaran Keterampilan Berbicara Kelas V Sekolah Dasar

Oleh Diyah Anjar Sari dan M. Fakhrur Saifudin


This study aims to describe the development of Pop-up Body Book learning media and is suitable for students in grade V elementary school, and to determine the feasibility of Pop-up Body Book media on aspects of speaking. This research includes Research and Development with the Borg and Gall model. Product assessment was carried out by 3 experts namely media, material and learning experts, 1 teacher, and 22 student responses which were divided into small group tests and large group tests. The instrument used was an assessment sheet in the form of a questionnaire. The data analysis technique uses descriptive qualitative and quantitative. Based on the overall assessment results obtained an average score of 89 with a very good category, the assessment of experts obtained an average score of 87.34 with a very good category. Teacher assessment obtained an average score of 91 with a very good category, the results of the students’ speaking skills test obtained an average score of 90 with a very good category. Thus, the use of Pop-up Body Book media can add aspects to the speaking skills of grade V students.

Key Words: Speaking Skills, Pop-up Body Book, Elementary School.


Oleh Ardian Cahya Ramadan dan Vera Yuli Erviana


This study aims to see more about the 4th grade mathematics test and the point of view of the HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skills) standardized mathematics test with indicators of analyzing (C4), learning (C5), and creating (C6). This research is a qualitative research with the type of research is descriptive. The subjects of this study were daily test questions, midterm test questions, and final semester test questions. The data analysis technique used is descriptive qualitative analysis of the type of content analysis or content analysis. The results of the research on the analysis of High-Level Thinking Skills on the 4th grade math test questions from the total number of questions showed that mathematics problems with the cognitive domain of High-Level Thinking Skills or higher-order thinking skills on twenty items. Of the twenty items that indicate the cognitive domain questions are Higher Order Thinking Skills Skills (C4) and indicators (C5), while the creating indicator (C6) is not included in the 4th grade math test items. The remainder of the total items, which are ninety-nine items, are in the cognitive domain of Lower Order Thinking Skills which consists of eleven items of memory (C1), twelve (C2) comprehension and seven (C3) applications. sixty six items. Mathematics test questions consist of forty-eight multiple choice test items and seventy-one description questions.

Key Words: Math Test Questions, HOTS

Hubungan Antara Pola Asuh Demokratis dan Self Efficacy Dengan Self Regulated Learning Pada Siswa SMP N 7 Arut Selatan

Oleh Naufan Risqianto Diastu dan Yuzarion


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji hubungan antara pola asuh demokratis dan self efficacy dengan self regulated learning  pada siswa SMP N 7 Arut Selatan. Subjek yang diambil dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 59 orang.  Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kuantitatif. Alat ukur yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah skala pola asuh demokrasi, skala self efficacy, skala self regulated learning. Data yang diperoleh  dalam penelitian ini dianalisis dengan menggunakan teknik analisis regresi berganda dua prediktor dengan menggunakan program Statistical Product and Service Solution (SPSS) for windows 20.0. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa ada hubungan antara pola asuh demokrasi dan self efficacy dengan self regulated learning pada siswa SMP N 7 Arut Selatan. Hal tersebut ditunjukkan dengan nilai R sebesar 0,679, dengan taraf signifikan 0,000 (< 0,01 ) dan sumbangan efektif 3,98%. Tidak signifikan antara pola asuh demokratis dengan self regulated learning, hal tersebutditunjukkan dengan nilai koefisien r sebesar 0,131 dengan taraf signifikan 0,325 (p ≤ 0,01). Ada hubungan positif yang sangat signifikan antara self efficacy dan self regulated learning. Berdasarkan hasil analisis penelitian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa hipotesis mayor terdapat hubungan yang positif signifikan antara antara pola asuh demokrasi dan self efficacy dengan self regulated learning, hipotesis minor 1 terdapat hubungan positif tidak signifikan antara pola asuh demokratis denga self regulated learning, hipotesis minor 2 terdapat hubungan  positif yang sangat signifikan antara self efficacy dengan self regulated learning.

Kata kunci: pola asuh demokratis, self efficacy, dan self regulated learning

Penerimaan Ibu Terhadap Anak Yang Hamil di Luar Nikah

Oleh Tri Retnani Purnamasari dan Khoiruddin Bashori 


Please This research has purpose to know the representation of mother’s reaction to her daughter’s non- marital pregnancy. Beside that, based on the result of this research, we’ll know stages of mother’s reaction to her dauhter’s non- marital pregnancy. This research using qualitative methods with case studies approach. Data collection of this research using semi structured interview technique. Data analysis method that using in this case is theme analysis methods. Subject of this research is the mother that having a daughter in non- marital pregnancy condition. The type of reaction between subject I and subject II is the from of closeness between the parents and daughter, is trying to accepted the situation, keeping good communication between the parents and the daughter. The parents accepted the condition of their daughter and show some of positive act to the daughter. The acceptance of the parents to the daughter more acceptable because there’s a support from the family and the social surrounding of the subject.

Key Words: Mother’s acceptance, daughter’s non- marital pregnancy