CBA (Character Building for Anti Corruption) : Aplikasi Android untuk Menumbuhkan Nilai Integritas pada Anak oleh Fitria Riani Amfi dkk

Corruption is one of the problems that has taken root in all fields of life in Indonesia. Evidently from 2004-2018, 91 regional heads in Indonesia were entangled in corruption cases, with details of 54 Regents, 2 Deputy Regents, 21 Mayors, 1 Deputy Mayor and 13 Governors. Of course this will not happen, if regional leaders have high integrity values. Integrity value is the value that someone has to consistently have beliefs, attitudes and good deeds. Therefore, the value of integrity is important for every individual to have. The inculcation of the value of integrity can begin to be instilled in early childhood, both in families and in schools through character education programs. This writing method uses the literature study method from research that has been done by experts. In this paper we offer CBA (Character Building for Anti Corruption) as an android application-based character education media, which includes the inculcation of values of integrity. The hope, this application is able to attract antusis, motivate, and facilitate children in learning character education. So that children are embedded in high values of integrity and make children anti-corruption individuals.

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