Fungsi Keluarga Dalam Menanamkan Nilai Kesyukuran pada Upacara Adat Kawin Cai di Desa Babakanmulya Kecamatan Jalaksana Kabupaten Kuningan Provinsi Jawa Barat

Oleh  Novi Indrias Tuti dan Trisna Sukmayadi


The emergence of negative effects of technological globalization can lead to waning public awareness, especially families in preserving local wisdom. Lack of public concern for nature, and lack of socialization of the value of gratitude at the Kawin Cai traditional ceremony. This study aims to determine the function of the family in instilling the value of gratitude contained in the traditional Kawin Cai ceremony which is usually carried out once a year by the people of Babakanmulya Village, Jalaksana Subdistrict, Kuningan Regency, West Java Province. This research uses a qualitative approach with descriptive research type. Data collection techniques are carried out using interviews, observation, and documentation. The data obtained in this study were analyzed through data reduction, data display, and conclusion / verification. The results showed that the family has a function in instilling the value of gratitude through the traditional Kawin Cai ceremony. The family knows that traditional ceremonial activities are part of local wisdom to make the value of gratitude packaged in a symbol so that it forms a culture that is carried out every year, instilling the value of gratitude through family functions consisting of seven family functions, namely, biological function, economic function, educational functions, social functions, protection functions, recreational functions, and religious functions.

Key Words: family, the value of gratitude, the traditional ceremony of Kawin Cai.