Peran Guru Pendamping Khusus Dalam Pendidikan Inklusi di Sekolah Dasar Negeri Wirosaban

Oleh Nia Aprilia Siwi dan Muhammad Fakhrur Saifudin


Special Assistance Teachers have their own role in helping children with special needs in the learning process. The role played by a Special Assistant Teacher certainly has factors that support or hinder the purpose of the Special Assistant Teacher in performing his role. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct a study of the role of Special Assistance Teachers which is related to supporting and inhibiting factors. This study aims to describe the role of Special Assistance Teachers in inclusive schools.This research method is descriptive qualitative. The collection method uses observation, interview and documentation techniques. Data analysis in this research is data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The subject is the parties related to ABK in the learning process. This research was conducted at Wirosaban Public Elementary School which included inclusion school.The results of this study indicate that the role of Special Assistance Teachers is as a planner, implementer, and assessor as a Teacher accompanying children with special needs by adjusting to each student’s needs from how the development of children with special needs. The role of the Special Assistant Teacher also has supporting and inhibiting factors. Supporting factors are the skills and skills of qualified Special Assistance Teachers, communication between the school and parents of good parents, and a supportive school environment. While the inhibiting factor of Special Assistance Teachers in carrying out its role is the lack of facilities and infrastructure from the school.

Key Words: Special Assistant Teacher; inclusion