Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh Dengan Menerapkan Model Discovery Learning Di SMP N 5 Banguntapan

Oleh Novita Indriani dan Sudaryanto


This article contains the learning process at SMP N 5 Banguntapan. This article aims to describe the description of the implementation of distance learning using discovery learning models. This distance learning is carried out in an effort to reduce the spread of the covid-19 virus. The distance learning process is also inseparable from the 2013 curriculum, where every learning must have an active and creative learning model. Discovery learning learning models have their own syntax or steps, including stimulation, problem statements, data collection, data processing, verification, and generalization. These learning steps will be explained in detail in this article by taking learning materials, namely advertising text, slogans and posters. Learning facilities used are google class room, whatsapp group and google forms

Key Words:

Learning, learning model, discovery learning.