Penggunaan Whatsapp Group Dalam Pembelajaran Matematika Secara Daring

Oleh Widya Prameswati, Widya Putri Adianto, Yulinsa Eka Safitri, Maqfira Izaniaputri Faizal dan Aan Hendroanto


The use of WhatsApp Group is one of the most commonly used alternatives to distance learning. This is because WhatsApp Group supports online education (online) and is easy to use by various ages.  This research aims to find out how to use WhatsApp Group in math learning online. This research is a qualitative descriptive study conducted in SMAN 1 Sewon in class XI MIPA 4 &xi MIPA 5 and in SMAN 3 Bantul Yogyakarta in class X MIPA 1, X MIPA 2, and X MIPA 3. The study subjects were 84 students. This data collection technique uses polls in the form of googleforms. The data showed that 58.3% of students felt fit to use whatsapp group as a learning medium, 15.5% of students felt very fit, 23.8% of students felt unsuitable and only 2.4% of students did not feel fit. Although the data shows Whatsapp Group is effective in Online Learning, Whatsapp Group still has some drawbacks. 

Keyword : Usage,WhatsApp Group, Online Learning, Mathematics