Penggunaan Platform Whatsapp Sebagai Media Pembelajaran Online Siswa di SMP Muhammadiyah Kretek

Oleh Nuri Astuti, Nuring Raras Kusumaningtyas Dan Astry Fajria, S.S.,M.Pd.B.I


Whatsapp is one of the most influential and widely used social media people in Indonesia. Indonesian tenagers in the digital era are now using gadgets their daily activities both at school and outside of school. However, most of students use social media applications, especially Whatsapp. In the pandemic era, which requires learning from home WhatsApp to turn into online learning media for students. WhatsApp can send text messages, voice and video messages, various kinds of pictures, videos, learning material documents and more. The purpose of this study is to find out : 1)Can students concentration when learning through WhatsApp application? 2) Are Voice Notes is Good Alternative in Teaching and Learning Activities??. The results of this study are, 1)Students do not concentration when learning use WhatsApp application. Because, usually students open other applications or other people’s chat, so students not focus on the lesson. 2) Online learning using the voice note feature has both positive and negative sides for students and teacher.

Keyword :whatsapp, online learning media, education