Keefektifan Video Youtube Sebagai Media Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh Selama Masa Pandemi Pada Siswa SMPN 2 Banguntapan

Oleh Rizkha Maewlyan, Novita Indriani dan  Rahmi Munfangati, S.S., M.Pd


The current pandemic threatens the number of people to do everything online. Both young and old today everyone does everything online. And implementing everything is also done with a considerable distance and certainly also requires us to stay home to ensure our health is maintained safely without being exposed to the coronavirus that is spreading at this time. Online learning at this time is relevant  in every school in order to break the chain of corona spread rapidly. In distance learning in SMPN 2 Banguntapan, of course, there are many problems during learning because nothing else is the lack of access of helpers in learning. As a result of the observations that have been made by the author, the author explained that the learning media has a very important role in the implementation of online learning, which helps students to understand the material with interesting visuals, which adds to the interest of students in learning such as videos presented on youtube used by the author and also carry out teaching activities accompanied by mentoring teachers during the pandemic period. In this study the authors used a type of qualitative research with analysis methods. This type of research was chosen because researchers have obtained student learning results after using or applying distance learning assisted by the use of youtube videos as a learning medium. with youtube video the author believes that the student’s learning results can be seen using concrete data that can be observed by the five senses and research that has been done during PLP II activities.

Keywords : Student learning, effectiveness of learning media, Distance learning.