Kemampuan Literasi Anak Usia Dini Di Masa Pandemi Covid-19

Oleh Intan Melani, Rany Maylani, Wiwin Lestari, dan Dwi Hastuti


Early Childhood Education Institutions (PAUD) have a very important role in implementing learning during the Covid-19 pandemic. Both teachers and parents have to make adjustments to learning activities that are usually carried out face-to-face at school, but during the pandemic this is now done at home. This condition becomes a big challenge for PAUD units to be able to design lesson plans for children while studying at home. In accordance with Circular Number 15 of 2020 concerning Guidelines for Organizing Learning from Home in an Emergency for the Spread of Covid-19, it is stated that the purpose of implementing BDR is to ensure the fulfillment of the rights of students to get educational services during the Covid-19 emergency, students get a learning experience that is meaningful without being burdened with demands to complete all curriculum achievements and is focused on life skills education. (Kemendikbud, 2020). Literacy awareness in the community, especially parents at home, greatly affects the potential for children’s literacy development in the community. Teachers are expected to provide facilities that support children’s literacy development by making play activities such as reading, writing, listening, observing, and utilizing information technology by creating storytelling video content, audio telling stories, and so on. As for parents, it is advisable to invite children to communicate by inviting discussion on all matters, providing reading books at home, and retelling stories that have been read.

Key Words: Early Childhood, Literacy, implementing BDR