Penerapan Ekstrakulikuler Pramuka Sebagai Upaya Melatih Kedisiplinan Siswa Kelas 3 Di SD Negeri Kenaran 1 Prambanan

Oleh Muhammad Bachrur Razaq dan Ika Maryani


This type of research is descriptive qualitative. The subject of this research is SD Negeri Kenaran 1 Prambanan. Data collection techniques are observation, in-depth interviews, and document study. Data analysis was carried out in three stages, namely; data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The data validity test used was the triangulation of sources and techniques. The results showed that the process of implementing scout extracurricular activities at SD N Kenaran 1 Prambanan has carried out social functions, reactive functions, and career preparation functions. The school implements programs such as PBB, Persami, Exploring Nature. The process of forming disciplinary character in students in paramuka activities uses the learning-by-doing method, a group system. Schools use habituation steps, examples or examples, giving punishment, awareness, and supervision in shaping the character of discipline in students. Schools have supporting factors, namely coaches synergize with each other, the availability of facilities and infrastructure. Inhibiting factors, there are internal factors, for example, lack of parental support, while external factors are the influence of friends at play. Strategies and solutions to overcome obstacles are through sanctions and reprimands in the form of memorizing Dasa Dharma and Dwi Satya Pramuka, giving examples and examples.

Key Words: Ectracurricular activites; Scouts; Character; Discipline