Pengembangan Media Kol Materi Perkalian pada Mata Pelajaran Matematika Kelas III SD

Oleh Eka Putri Prajetnam


This study aims to determine (1) Knowing the KOL media development (2) Knowing the feasibility of KOL media. This type of research is a research model known as research and development or Research and Development. The subjects of this study were students of class III SD Negeri Prambanan Sleman, amounting to 5 in the small group test and 26 students. The average score of the media expert was 4.8, so it was in the “very good” category. The assessment of the material experts got an average of 3.91 so that it was in the “good” category, the assessment of the learning experts got an average of 3.54 so it was in the “good” category, the assessment of students in the small group trial got a percentage of 97.78% “Very good”, the feasibility results of boxes and marbles according to the teacher got an average of 7.17 so that it was included in the “very good” category, in the large group trial it got a presetage of 100% “very good”, the feasibility results of boxes and marbles according to the teacher were -an average 7.17 so that it is included in the “very good” category. Based on the results of observations, the students’ enthusiasm in using boxes and marbles was very good. It seems that students can use KOL media easily. The test results show an average of 100 from small group trials, while large group trials get an average of 100. From this description it can be concluded that the KOL media is feasible to use.

Key Words: Development, Media KOL, Multiplication, Grade III SD Students