Penerapan Sistem Pembelajaran Selama Disekolah di Tengah Pandemi Covid-19

Oleh Gilang Abimanyu, Putri Nurul Mubasyiroh dan Dewi Triastuti.


Corona virus disease (Covid-19) shook the world quickly and severely disrupted the world order in all sectors of the state, such as the economy, education, tourism and other sectors. Especially in the world of education, many aspects of the world of education have been affected by the corona virus disease (Covid-19). In this article, we will discuss about how school leadership is about a comfortable learning process so that students can understand the material that the teacher or teacher provides. The focus  that the author will highlight in this article is 1. (before covid-19) 2. (during covid-19). This study uses a qualitative method so that it focuses more on the role of teachers and students in interacting with teaching materials or material provided to students and by teachers. The results of the study suggest that learning before the Covid-19 pandemic applies the literacy method using ordinary learning media in class. And the results of observations show that the learning method during the pandemic uses online methods or distance learning using several adequate application media for distance learning. The teacher must control the course of learning in order to create appropriate methods and ways of learning that are in accordance with the learning needs so that it runs according to the circumstances experienced.

Keyword: learning management, Covid-19, education.