Kesalahan Penggunaan Ejaan Bahasa Indonesia pada Karangan Teks Pidato Persuasif Siswa SMP Muhammadiyah Kasihan Yogyakarta

Oleh Nika Fisari1, Risma Citra2, Hasrul Rahman3

Abstrak: This research uses a quantitative descriptive approach and uses a note-taking method. The purpose of this study is to describe and classify the misuse of Indonesian spelling contained in persuasive speech text essays of Muhammadiyah Kasihan Bantul Junior High School students in the 2020/2021 academic year. The results of this study are that there are several errors in the persuasive speech text writtwn by students, including errors in the use of letters such as errors in using capital letters and italics, errors in writing words such as errors in writing prepositions, and errors in using punctuation such as ysage. Period comma, and hyphen. The most dominant misuse in Indonesian spelling is the use of capital letters.

Keywords: Error analysis, spelling, persuasive speech.


  1. Paper Seminar Nasional