Penerapan Metode Pembelajaran Tanya Jawab Berbasis Aplikasi Whatsapp pada Materi Elastisitas di SMA N 1 Kretek

Oleh: Feny Hijriyahti, Hardita Windasari, &Okimustava


This study aims to see students’ responses during challenging learning and to see student learning outcomes using the question and answer method that can be applied to direct learning. This research is a quantitative research that focuses on student learning outcomes and also student responsibility for online learning. The sample used was the students of SMAN 1 Kretek class XI MIPA 1. The instrument used was the evaluation given to students and also the student’s response to learning with the results obtained were student activeness in class learning and the value of learning physics using online media.

Key Words: WhatsApp, question and answer method, kuantitatif, online learning