Meningkatkan Sistem Pendidikan pada Revolusi Industri 4.0 oleh Kamsia Zakaria dkk

The educational system in indonesia is based on the national education system. However, there is a gap between the ideals and the reality. This can be senn from many factors such as the weakness in management sector, the low support from the government and the comunity, low learning effectivity and efficiency, educational resource infriority, and the low standard of learning. As a result at this time it turn out that there are still many education in indonesia that is experiencing problems in the education system that have not been well spread as a whole from the city center to the village (munirah,2015). With the 4.0 industrial revolution, it is hoped that it can improve education in indonesia, then have an impact on changes in the education system and how humans form harmony with developing technology to get solutions, solve problems, and of course find new innovations that can help improve the quality of live of people incluiding those in the world of education and schooling as an institutional organization that cannot be saparated from the community, the term education then emerged 4.0.

Selengkapnya :

  1. Cover Seminar Nasional
  2. Paper Seminar Nasional
  3. Dokumentasi
  4. Sertifikat
  5. Surat Undangan