Meningkatkan Kualitas Guru Sekolah Dasar di Indonesia Secara Berkelanjutan Menuju Society 5.0 oleh Asyharina Maghfiroh dkk

This article discusses the Industry 4.0 and Society 5.0 which considerably advances every sector in our lives unexceptionally education. The new concept of education adopted by the government by emphasizing the minimum competency assessment, literacy, and numerical competence becomes the government’s main focus to achieve Indonesia’s superior education goal. Nonetheless, in reality, there’s a big gap regarding the student’s competence in understanding the advancement of technology which is more eminent compared to the teachers’. Consequently, it becomes a crucial issue related to the teacher’s quality in Indonesia besides the lack of teacher’s readiness and understanding of the lesson considering that the good quality of education can only be answered with the good quality of the teacher itself. Eventually, the teachers are still in need of sustainable workshop and mentoring which will come to the final aim to increase the teacher’s quality in Indonesia and quality of educational resources.

Selengkapnya :

  1. Cover Seminar Nasional
  2. Paper Seminar Nasional
  3. Dokumentasi
  4. Sertifikat
  5. Surat Undangan