Membangun Kejujuran Siswa Sekolah Dasar Melalui Pengintegrasian Local Wisdom di Daerah NTB oleh Eko Budiono dkk

Honest is one of the characters that can form individuals with superior personality and integrity. But now the value of honesty is starting to fade because of the rapid development of the times. Therefore, it is necessary to implant character values early on in elementary school. Cultivation of honesty can be done through various aspects, one of them is by utilizing local wisdom in Indonesia, especially the West Nusa Tenggara region . Local wisdom contained in the area contains a lot of honesty character values, i.e. the writer uses the Overseas game as the medium. The purpose of this research is to integrate local wisdomfound in West Nusa Tenggara in building honesty towards elementary school students through the game. Submission of honesty characters in this game through poetry accompanied by a musical instrument gantao. This research method uses literature study methods both journals and relevant books. With the integration of local wisdom that has many traditional values that are thick with meaning, it is expected to be able to become a media to grow character values in the midst of this disruption. In addition, with this media as well as the preservation of Indonesian culture so that it does not fade in order to remain felt by future generations.

Selengkapnya :

  1. Cover Seminar Nasional
  2. Paper Seminar Nasional
  3. Dokumentasi
  4. Sertifikat
  5. Surat Undangan