Penerapan Metode Bercerita Berbantu Buku Bergambar Dalam Pembelajaran Daring Di TK ABA Ngampilan

Oleh: Rini Ariyanti, Nana Noor, Dewi Suprapti, & Dwi Hastuti


The picture book storytelling method is one way of learning early childhood.  The things that are presented in the story book are designed so that children are interested, starting from colors, images, shapes and story content.  The delivery of the content of the story should be designed or made with an intonation, style or expression that can attract children’s attention.  Through the method of storytelling with picture books, it is hoped that the delivery of themes or material can hit or be understood by children.  Seeing the current condition face-to-face learning is not allowed.  So that children learn online by utilizing video media sent by the teacher.  This online learning enables educators to be creative and creative in making learning media.

Key Words: Storytelling Method, Picture Bool, Learning