Pengaruh Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh pada Masa Pandemi Corona Virus Disease (Covid-19) di SMA Negeri 1 Kretek Bantul

Oleh Eka Nur Indah M.1*), Nungky Nurmalitasari2, Fitri Kurniasari3, Dedi Wijayanti4

Abstract: The Corona Virus Disease (covid) -19 pandemic has a significant impact on all human life in the world. Education, especially education is one of the components of human life that is a human need and is now being affected by the virus attack. The purpose of the study was to obtain an overview of the implementation of distance learning for students of SMA Negeri  1 Kretek Bantul as an effort to reduce the spread of covid-19 in the school environment. In accordance with the Minister of Education and Culture Circular number 4 of 2020 concerning Learning from Home Policy, which is essentially through distance learning, providing a meaningful learning experience, without being burdened by curriculum achievements for grade promotion and graduation, focused on life skills education, including regarding the Covid-19 pandemic. Home learning activities and assignments may vary between students including considering gaps in access or learning facilities at home, evidence or products of home learning activities given qualitative and useful feedback from teachers. This research uses quantitative research with experimental methods. This type of research was chosen because researchers wanted to see student learning outcomes after using or implementing distance learning with the google classroom application. Student learning outcomes can be seen if only concrete data can be observed by the five senses

Keywords: Distance Learning, Corona Virus Disease


  1. Paper Seminar Nasional