Efektivitas Pembelajaran Daring pada Siswa Kelas VII Materi Teks Eksposisi

Oleh Wedharningtyas Sri Panglipurjati1*)

Abstract: This study aims to describe the effectiveness of online learning in junior high schools in Indonesian as an exposition text material during the pandemic. The sample of this study used 31 students of grade 8 C. Data analysis using descriptive qualitative. From the analysis, it shows that online learning at SMP Negeri 1 Sedayu has experienced several challenges, especially in the exposition text material which only displays written text for students to read. This certainly makes students feel bored because since the beginning of online learning the teacher only uses Microsoft Form media and there are no variations in learning. Apart from that, the quota financing factor and the difficulty of the network are also challenges in the online learning process.

Keywords: Effectiveness, learning, student


  1.  Paper Seminar Nasional