Implementasi Guru Terhadap Proses Pembelajaran Saintifik Kurikulum 2013 di SD Muhammadiyah Domban 3 Yogyakarta

Oleh Arzy Genta Fatwa Pamungkas dan Nurul Hidayah


This research use desciptive qualitative approach. The subjects of this study were teachers, fourth grade students, and the principal of SD Muhammadiyah Domban 3 Sleman. The data collection techniques used were observation, interview and documentation. The main instrument is the researcher using the observation guide, interview guide, tool. Data were analyzed through data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The technique of checking the validity of the data uses member check and triangulation. The results showed that. In the implementation of curriculum 2013 learning, teachers have the perception that teachers feel their teaching administrative burden is lightened, namely in the preparation of RPP because it has been provided by the government. Even so, classroom teachers still compile lesson plans independently in order to develop existing lesson plans to suit the characteristics and needs of students. The preparation of the RPP in the 2013 Curriculum is also easier than the RPP KTSP. Teachers’ perceptions in the implementation of learning, teachers feel more practical and efficient in delivering material because of the existence of integrative thematic learning. However, classroom teachers still have difficulty linking material between subjects. In the implementation of the scientific approach, classroom teachers have the material and competencies to be achieved. So, not all learning experiences must be applied and also do not have to be sequential.

Key Words: Scientifical Approach, 2013 Curriculum, Elementary School