Penggunaan Gawai untuk Meningkatkan Kualitas Sumber Daya Manusia Desa di Indonesia oleh Hudzaifah Saiful Haq dkk

Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) said that Indeks Pembangunan Manusia (IPM) in 2018 reached a value of 71.39, which means that in the high category. IPM is an important indicator to measure success in efforts to develop the quality of human life in Indonesia. In fact there are still social inequalities that occur in Indonesia, in the field of education data from BPS shows that the average length of school education age 16> 30 years is for 10.37 years. Secondly, data on the Presentation of the Poor Population by Province in 2019 shows that 9.41% of the Indonesian population is poor, and the percentage of smoking in the population aged> 15 years by province in 2018 in Indonesia reached 32.20%. So, actually it shows that the quality of human resources owned by Indonesia is not yet fully good. On the other hand, it shows that data on the use of smartphone in Indonesia reached 335.5 million users from 268.2 million people in Indonesia. In summary, Excessive use of smarpthone in Indonesia can be used as a solution in increasing the potential of rural human resources by using it as a media to connect every element of society in the village.

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