Membangun Budaya Sekolah Inklusi dalam Prespektif Neurosains oleh Ely Novianti

Examining schools of inclusive education culture from a neuroscience perspective is very interesting to discuss. Given the development of normal children and special needs have different backgrounds. Children’s cognitive development does vary according to parenting. case parents need to be aware of the type of child and need to understand in terms of neuroscience. Please note that education is the right of every child to gain knowledge and educate individuals. The background of each child is not an obstacle to getting a proper education. The government and educational institutions have now opened access to the concept of inclusive education. The implementation of inclusive access to education for all groups including children with special needs. This effort was made to develop the potential of intelligence, talent, and soft skills possessed without discrimination. By implementing the culture of inclusive schools children with special needs can experience a normal education. This study is a literature review that combines descriptive method research. The city of Yogyakarta became the object of the inclusion organizer with a sample Muhammadiyah 3 Vocational School Yogyakarta that accepts children with special needs who are deaf who are part of the invisible cultural elements.

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  2. Paper Seminar Nasional
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