Implementasi Penguatan Pendidikan Karakter Mandiri Melalui Ekstrakulikuler Hizbul Wathan Di SD Muhammadiyah Macanan Tahun Ajaran 2018-2019

Oleh Leni Karlina dan Suyatno

Abstract: The independent character becomes one of the characters that is quite important and needs to be instilled in students. Independence develops through a learning process that is carried out gradually and repeatedly. One form of formal education in independent character education is Hizbul Wathan (HW). HW is also an activity that provides special skills for students in scouting, as well as having good character especially students’ independent character.This study aims to determine the implementation of the students’ independent character through HW extracurricular activities. This type of research uses qualitative research with a case study approach. The study was conducted in September-October 2019. Subjects in this study were the principal, HW supervisors, and 6th grade students. Data collection techniques used interview, observation, and documentation methods. The technique of checking the validity of the data of this study uses the technique tringulation and source tringulation.The results showed that: 1). Planning for HW extracurricular implementation at Muhammadiyah Macanan Elementary School is done by making a program first, then the school prepares the supervisors and infrastructure to support HW extracurricular activities so that the objectives of the activity can be carried out well. 2). HW Extracurricular is held every Monday and Tuesday at 14.30-15.30 WIB. Activities that teach students independence are making yells, rigging, setting up tents, and cooking. The supporting factors of the activity are adequate infrastructure, a conducive school environment, and support from the school. While the inhibiting factors are HW uniforms and parents. 3). Program evaluation is carried out once a month. The evaluation consists of written and practical evaluations. Written evaluation through the question sheet. While the evaluation of practice is carried out when the activity takes place in accordance with the results of the coach’s interview.

Key Words: Independent Character; Extracurricular Hizbul Wathan