Implementasi Program Sekolah Siaga Bencana di SD Negeri Pasirmendit

Oleh Esti Yunientin Nur Rahmah dan Dholina Inang Pambudi


The results showed that the implementation of the disaster alert school in Pasirmendit Public Elementary School was in accordance with the parameters of the preparedness school. The attitude and action parameters in Pasirmendit Public Elementary School indicate that the school has knowledge about disaster risk reduction, implementing disaster simulations, ongoing socialization. In the aspect of school policy there is access to information both knowledge and training. The aspect of preparedness planning includes school building documents. In the parameters of preparedness planning there are disaster warning systems, evacuation locations and evacuation routes. The aspect of resource mobility is evidenced by the availability of equipment, supplies, and post-disaster basic needs. Supporting factors are getting support from local school and village residents and getting attention from the disaster agency. While the limiting factor is the limited budget in meeting the media and infrastucture.

Keywords: Disaster Preparedness Schools, Preparedness Parameters