Oleh: Ajeng Safitri


The number of new TB cases in Indonesia was 420,994 cases in 2017. Discovery of new cases of AFB (+) in the Special Province of Yogyakarta (DIY) was 992 with a total number of suspects of 20,260 people. Based on the Integrated Tuberculosis Information System (SITT) data obtained from the Yogyakarta Provincial Health Office it was found that based on TBC Discovery and Treatment (APP) in 2018 In 2018 Sleman Regency experienced a decline in the discovery and treatment is as much as 122,5 %. This shows that the Tuberculosis program in Sleman Regency has not been running optimally and needs to be evaluated. This type of research is a type of exploratory sequential mixture design method. Sample selection is done by purposive sampling. Samples for quantitative data are 25 puskesmas in Sleman Regency. The instruments used were interview guides and questionnaire. the input aspects namely human resources, infrastructure facilities and funds for Sleman Regency as a whole have met the requirements, and in accordance with TB control guidelines. Process aspects for health promotion, TB surveillance & information, risk factor control, case finding, immunization and prevention, TB laboratory management, network coordination & partnerships are underway and implemented at each puskesmas. In the output aspect, TB case finding in all Sleman district health centers has not reached the determined target

Key Words: Tuberculosis Program; Evaluation; Input Aspects; Process Aspects; Output Aspects.