Pengembangan Media Permainan Maze Pada Materi Anggota Tubuh Manusia Untuk Kelas I SD Muhammadiyah Bojong

Oleh Amelia Meta Kurnia dan Eko Nur Sulistyo


This research is motivated by the limited teaching material of the material of the human body. This shows that students are not active when learning takes place. With the game media being one solution to overcome these problems. Through media, maze games are expected to make the learning process more active. This research is intended to develop a media maze game on the material of the human body and aims to find out the feasibility of the media being developed. This type of research uses the Research & Development method with ADDIE development. The ADDIE model consists of 5 stages revealed by Benny A. Pribadi, namely: Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. This research was conducted at Muhammadiyah Elementary School in Bojong with 4 limited try out subjects and a trial of using 10 students. The instruments used were assessment sheets, technical data analysis using quantitative and qualitative data analysis. The results of the research from the validation of the media expert validation got a value of 84.61 (Very Good), the material expert got a value of 86.11 (Very Good), a learning expert of 90.62 (Very Good), a limited trial of the teacher’s evaluation getting a value of 88.46 ( Very Good), limited trials evaluating students ‘responses get a score of 90 (Very Good) and trials using the teacher’s assessment get 88.46 (Very Good), trials using students’ assessment of responses get 98 (Very Good). Based on the overall assessment, the maze game media on the material of human body members for grade 1 elementary school Muhammadiyah Bojong Eligible was used.

Keywords: Development, Learning Media, Maze Games