Kesantunan Berbahasa Peserta Didik SD Terhadap Teman Sejawat Studi Kasus: SD Negeri Kanigoro dan MI Ma’arif Kediwung

Oleh Anjar Tri Pangestu dan Sugeng Riyanto


In the school environment, learners should be more able to control their speech. It is happen because in the school environment is where they are demanding and forming character. However, in fact, in the school environment, there are some students who use unpolite language to their peers. This research aims to describe the form of compliance and violations of the principle of language civility in students of SD Kanigoro and Mi Ma’arif Kediwung. This research is a qualitative study of types of case studies. Research Data in the form of dialogue. Data collection In this study uses observation methods, recording techniques, and interviews. From the results of the study found that there was a student’s speech that adhered to the wisdom Maksim, the achievement Maksim, the award Maksim, the simplicity of the prize, the Maksim of the settlement, and the Maksim of death. But there are also students who violate the Maksim of wisdom, Maksim of entrepreneurship, Maksim of mislead and Maksim of the deal.

Key Words: Language of Begrammar, the principle of civility