Meninjau Kembali Persiapan dan Pengaruh Pendidik dalam Melaksanakanan PJJ Mata Pelajaran IPA (Fisika) Guna Meningkatkan Motivasi dan Pemahaman Konsep Belajar Siswa

Oleh Tri Muryani, Arif Malik Khairi, dan Oki Mustava


This study aims to determine the preparation of educators and the influence of educators in implementing PJJ in order to increase students’ learning motivation. With the goals and objectives are students who sit in junior high school to be more active in learning physics. This activity will be packaged with Distance Learning using Communication Media. From this research, we can draw a common thread, anything that can make success in motivating students in learning activities during the Covid-19 pandemic. And with this research, it is able to provide an evaluation for several parties who are members of the success of the world of education. The method that will be used is by collecting data and filling out a questionnaire that will be filled in by science subject teachers and students UNY and UAD.

Key Words: Motivation, Educator Preparation, and Online class