Karakter Religius Siswa Kelas 5 SD Muhammadiyah Miliran Saat Pembelajaran Daring

Oleh Hasnika Nafi Mulia, Minati Rina Hardiyana, Mar’atun Khoeroyahya, dan Hanum Hanifa Sukma


Character is a characteristic of every human being to distinguish one human from another. One of the characters taught is a religious character. Activities to instill religious character are usually carried out in schools. However, in the last few months there has been an outbreak that has hit the entire world including Indonesia, namely Covid 19. As a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, it is this that has caused all schools including elementary schools to be closed with the aim of cutting off the spread of the virus. Therefore, researchers are interested in conducting research on Religious Character Education for Grade 5 Students of the Covid-19 Pandemic Era at Muhammadiyah Miliran Elementary School to find out how the level of religiosity of Muhammadiyah Elementary School Miliran during online learning. The research method used here is to use descriptive qualitative research. Data collection techniques use observation, interviews and online documentation via Whatsapp. From this research it can be concluded that grade 5 students at Muhammadiyah Miliran Elementary School continue to carry out worship activities even when online learning is like now.

Key Words: Character, religion, bold learning, Covid 19.