Peningkatan Kemampuan Menyelesaikan Soal Fisika Menggunakan Bantuan Video pada Pembelajaran Daring Siswa Kelas X MIPA 2 SMA N 1 Sewon

Oleh: Arifiana Yulianti, Niswah Rusyda Rafi’, &Ariati Dina Puspitasari


The purpose of the research carried out is to improve students’ abilities in solving physics problems amid online learning which is carried out as one of the policies of the government to implement policies to maintain distance and temporarily stop all public activities in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic. This online learning method utilizes LMS media and provides an explanation of physics material using video as a face-to-face substitute. In online learning, X MIPA 2 class students at SMA N 1 Sewon got the result that giving videos apparently did not make students improve their ability to solve questions and instead made students’ average scores decrease. This is because the video concept is less attractive to students or because the material presented is getting more complicated so that students find it difficult to understand the material if only with the help of videos.

Key Words: Classroom action research (PTK), Learning, Online, Media, Video.