Problematika Guru PPKn dalam Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran di SMK Muhammadiyah Bantul

Oleh Desti Anggraini, Toni Wicaksono, Fajar Laksono, dan Sumaryati


Basically, PPKn is considered a boring, memorizing, monotonous and less challenging subject so that it makes students passive in class and just watch the lecture from the teacher in front of the class. These facts will of course also have an impact on decreasing student achievement. Especially if attending school from home makes students even more lazy to study even though they are motivated to follow but it’s a small part of the class. Also the problem is not only from the PPKn teacher but only for students who argue that their homes do not have a network so that the PPKn teacher must rack their brains so that the learning media has a minimum quota and can be seen by students and does not burden students Education is very important in realizing knowledgeable students. Education will give birth to students who have competencies and skills that develop in the midst of society. So to overcome this problem the teacher must increase his knowledge of learning media, and the principal proposes the provision of complete learning media in schools, on the other hand the education office makes training for teachers.

Key Words: PPKn Teacher Problems, Learning Media Development.