Peran Guru PAI Dalam Membentuk Karakter Siswa dan Implikasinya Terhadap Ketahanan Siswa di Sekolah SMPN 1 Sedayu

Oleh Fiki Nur, Fitri Minhatin Tsaniyah

Abstrak: Things that need to be instilled to give birth to good character in the midst of the increasingly advanced developments of the times. The author’s purpose of studying this theme is to find out more about the character building and the role of PAI teachers at SMP N 1 Sedayu in developing it and its implications. The role is a dynamic aspect of social status or position, if a person carries out the rights and obligations according to his position, then he carries out a role. researchers used qualitative methods, which produced descriptive data in the form of written words with the data sources in the study obtained from secondary data. Character education is very important to be instilled early on for every student to form a moral soul which can be done through intense actions so as to shape one’s character. In schools, PAI teachers have a very important role in this regard. Because it carries the mandate to be a mirror of goodness for students both in words and actions that appear in the learning process and habits carried out.

Keywords: Education, Character, Teacher


  1.  Paper Seminar Nasional