Pengalaman Guru PAI dalam Pembelajaran Daring di Masa Pandemi

Oleh Mufarrochatul ‘Ainiyah1,Septy Liestia Utari2,Sutipyo3

Abstract: Education in the 4.0 era is marked by technological advances in various fields, it does not rule out the possibility of happening in the education sector. The discoveries related to the use of technology and the internet are growing rapidly. Coupled with this pandemic outbreak, it provides opportunities for technology to be used. Nothing but nothing but especially online learning. Where a teacher is required to use technology as a means of communication between educators and students online. Online learning is used to make learning more innovative, effective, efficient, and fun and to make learning more contextual. However, among its uses, online learning has its advantages and disadvantages.

Keywords: Experience, Education, Online 



  1.  Paper Seminar Nasional