Membentuk Nilai Karakter Peserta Didik di Masa Pandemi Covid-19

Oleh Sidiq Arsyadi, Sigit Purnomo, Hanif Cahyo

Abstrak: Since the emergence of the Covid-19 virus, the education sector has experienced new problems. The learning process that was originally face-to-face must be replaced by distance or online learning. No wonder teachers, students are made to be overwhelmed, even parents can’t be separated from these problems. Not having a device, a bad internet network and a minimal amount of quota are barriers to online learning activities. Online learning, which requires students to stay at home, eventually drags parents to take part in this process. Such conditions can actually be used by parents to supervise / control their children directly. Where with direct supervision, parents can instill character values ​​in their children. Instilling good values ​​can be an alternative to become a bargaining chip from the problem of online learning.

Keywords: Pandemic, Covid-19, Education, Character



  1.  Paper Seminar Nasional