MAN 2 Bantul Menjadi Wadah Pendidikan Keterambilan Vokasional yang Berkarakter

Oleh Komsatul Hartati1  Aghita Wahyuningsih2 Dr.Sutarman, S.Pd., M.Hum.3

Abstract: This research, entitled MAN 2 Bantul, Becomes a Forum for Characteristic Vocational Participation Education is motivated by the government’s concern regarding character education in public schools or Javanese schools which is still lacking. So that the Ministry of Religion made Madrasah Aliyah Negri which was based on vocational skills as an Islamic education institution that instilled Islamic skills and character. The existence of vocational skills in MAN 2 Bantul is a need for skills or skills of students in order to compete in the world of work, and it is even hoped that students can have an entrepreneurial spirit that can open their own business. This study aims to develop skills that have good character or morals in students. This is a form of awareness in character building from an early age before plunging into the world of work. The type of research used is field research with qualitative methods. The results of the study concluded that MAN 2 Bantul provided facilities to students in the learning process in the form of cultivating character and morals through religious activities in schools.

Keywords: Education, Skills, Character.



  1.  Paper Seminar Nasional