Analisis Kesalahan Ejaan pada LKS Pidato Persuasif Kelas IX SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Pundong

Oleh Anggita Surya Siwi Luthfiani1*), Hermanto2

Abstract: The problem in this research is the forms of spelling errors on the worksheets of grade IX students of SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Pundong in persuasive speech text material. This study aims to describe the form of spelling errors in the results of writing persuasive speech text for students of SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Pundong. This research uses descriptive qualitative method. The data collection technique used is the reading note technique. The type of data used in this research is written data which comes from students’ answers on the student worksheets of persuasive speech text material at SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Pundong. The results of this study indicate that the spelling errors on the worksheets of the students of SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Pundong in persuasive speech text material were 72 errors which included 34 capital letters writing errors, 31 word writing errors including prepositions and affixes writing errors, and 7 errors in using punctuation includes errors in using period punctuation marks and misuse of commas.

Keywords: Spelling mistakes, language errors, spelling, speech.


  1. Paper Seminar Nasional