Analisis Kesalahan Berbahasa Indonesia Dalam Bidang Ejaan Dan Morfologi Pada Majalah Hidayah Edisi 122 Sebagai Bahan Ajar Materi Teks Eksposisi Kelas X SMK Muhammadiyah Imogiri

Oleh Winda Putri Rejeki1*), Fiandini2

Abstract:This study aims to determine the mistakes in Indonesian. Specifically in the spelling and morphology field, this research is a research that uses a descriptive analysis method that examines Indonesian language errors in spelling and morphology in the 122th edition of Hidayah Magazine. However, in this study, it examines the use of written language contained in the Hidayah Magazine edition 122 of 2011 found several Indonesian language errors in the spelling and morphology fields which included writing words, writing numbers, writing capital letters, and writing punctuation. Meanwhile, morphological errors found in Hidayah Magazine are errors in the form of affixes, namely errors in writing prefixes and confixes. The error occurred because the writer did not understand the language structure and rules. So the author must relearn about the use of Indonesian in accordance with the rules of writing. The mistake was caused by the lack of attention to the correct and correct linguistic rules as stated in KBBI and PUEBI

Keywords: Analysis, Spelling, Morphology


  1. Paper Seminar Nasional