Adaptasi Iklan Dalam Menghadapi Pandemi Covid-19, Analisis Semiotik Pada Poster Kesadaran Masyarakat

Oleh Fauzi


This research discusses about an advertisement poster as a platform to deliver message to public and societies in facing Covid-19 pandemic. As the objects of this study are 3 posters from 3 different organization and company. Both of them have their own strategy in making an advertisement for facing the pandemic era. This research aims to analyze and explore the message meaning of the advertisement poster in facing Covid-19 Pandemic. To find the message meanings of those poster advertisements, this research uses semiotic approach. The result of this research shows how an advertisement that contains semiotic aspect can be used as a media to deliver message about awareness in facing Covid-19 pandemic.

Keywords: semiotics analysis, advertisement, Covid-19 pandemic, message meaning


1. Cover Seminar Nasional

2. Paper Seminar Nasional