Pembelajaran Virtual Menggunakan Aplikasi WAG (Whatsapp Aplikasi Group) di SD Muhammadiyah Domban 1

Oleh: Novia Damaiyanti , Ervin Sulistiyawati , Dwica Kusuma Setyari, &  Asih Mardati


Progress in the existing information and communication technology is not easily accepted by all people, especially in the field of education. With the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak, which requires all students of various levels to carry out learning activities at home using sophisticated communication media. One application that is often used by everyone is Whatsapp. This study aims to determine the use of the Whatsapp application in the online learning process at SD Muhammadiyah Domban 1 during the COVID-19 Pandemic. This research was conducted with a descriptive survey method with a phenomenological qualitative approach. The research subjects used were students of SD Muhammadiyah Domban 1. The results of this study were that there must be good communication with each student’s parents in order to take advantage of information technology in online learning, especially the Whatsapp group.

Key Words: smartphones, information and communication technology, online learning