Proses Pembelajaran Daring Mata Pelajaran PPKn Melalui WhatsApp Group di SMP Muhammadiyah Kretek

Oleh: Nita Isnaeni, & Syifa Siti Aulia


In the online learning process of PPKn subject in VII grade at SMP Muhammadiyah Kretek fully uses a social media application in the form of a WhatsApp Group. The lesson session includes attendance, delivery of material and explanation through voice notes, question and answer sessions and responses, and quiz assignments. As a result of this online learning, students have been active in the learning process. Students can immediately ask questions if they do not understand a certain topic. WhatsApp can help students gain knowledge, discuss and learn actively, and interact easily. The use of the WhatsApp group application as a means of online learning is very useful and helps in the process of communicating, giving and receiving information.

Key Words: Online learning, WhatsApp Group, Civics Education