Oleh Warsita Noer Ardiyanti


The Mata Najwa event with the theme “Jokowi Diuji Pandemi” various kinds of public responses emerged to JW’s statement in one of the segments that distinguished the words “mudik” and “pulang kampung”. This study aims to describe the construction of the irregularities that arise in the community due to JW’s discourse related to its policies in dealing with the pandemic, including the prohibition of going home and leading to differences diction between “mudik” and “pulang kampung”. The approach used is the perception of critical discourse analysis theory. The method used is descriptive qualitative. The results of this study concluded that according to Van Dijk’s perspective, (1) the macrostructure contained in the discourse, namely government policies in dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic, such as unclear data until uncertain decisions, (2) superstructure, the event was opened with a series ofsentences that rhymes while still bringing the audience to the topic of conversation, namely criticism of the government’s handling of Covid-19, (3) microstructure, semantically several spoken sentences and decisions created unsure. In terms of syntax, the interrogative sentence that dominates NS in getting information from JW. In terms of word selection and rhetoric used between speakers are full of emphasis to attract the audience’s focus on the topic being discussed. Meanwhile, the results of research using Fairclough’s perceptions on text representations show the audience that there is an interesting policy during the handling of Covid-19, namely the distinction of the words “mudik” and “pulang kampung” that inspire people to argue. In discourse practice, JW has power and is entitled to decide anything to make a decision or policy for society. Finally, in the socio-cultural practices, the discourse presented by JW can influence the culture of the community.

Keywords: perception, critical discourse analysis, Van Dijk, Fairclough, Mata Najwa


1. Cover Seminar Nasional

2. Paper Seminar Nasional